Daily Rhyme...

Friday, April 9, 2010

FU Joe West

"They're the two clubs that don't try to pick up the pace," said West, the chief of the umpiring crew working the three-game series, according to the report. "They're two of the best teams in baseball. Why are they playing the slowest? During Tuesday night's game, home plate umpire Angel Hernandez denied a number of requested timeouts in the batter's box. West did not allow Hernandez to comment, according to the report. "All of baseball looks to these two clubs to pick up the pace," West said, according to the report. "[Hernandez] did everything he could. The players aren't working with us."

Seriously, after the fucking debacle that was last years playoffs where more than a few games were decided on totally blown calls, no umpire in the entire MLB should be opening his mouth about anything. Joe West has absolutely positively no right whatsoever to bitch about the two best teams in the god damn sport having classic duels. I hope Joe West gets heckled to death every time he steps into Yankee Stadium and Fenway Park. What a douche bag. That guy has some fucking balls to bitch about players taking pitches and trying to paint the corners when his god damn crew blew at least two or three different plays in this series, and will blow at least 100 more calls throughout the season. Not to mention, fucking Joe West's strike zone was the size of his god damn dick through out the series, which he hasn't seen in at least twenty years. So Joe West do me a favor, shut the fuck up you fat fuck.

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