Daily Rhyme...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Chat Roulette+Farmville=ChatVille....(Shoot Me Now)

"There’s a new Chatroulette spinoff in town: meet ChatVille. It’s a Facebook app that combines the basic video chat elements of Chatroulette with the game mechanics, badges and leveling up of casual games like FarmVille.
Just like in Chatroulette, you have the opportunity to get paired up with a total stranger — but since the app can also take advantage of your Facebook social graph, you can also invite specific friends to chat with you as well. Plus, in chatting with either strangers or friends, you have the opportunity to earn badges for specific actions, like taking your first screenshot or getting a “compliment” from another user."
Just when you thought Chat Roulette was dying out, Facebook has a miscarriage and pops out this piece of shit plug-in.  I don't know about everyone else out there but I hate Farmville more than anything.  If I could exterminate every virtual Farmville cow, dog, quack, meow, horse, sheep, and giraffe, toss them in a blender, drink it, and liquid shit it out, I would.  Regardless of that makes sense or not, Farmville huffs dick!  It rape's the shit out of my newsfeed and we all know that a man's newsfeed is the staple to a successful day.  

After reading this article, I of course was interested and decided to take this ChatVille shit to the dance.  Contradictory to my own opinions, I let this damn thing publish to my wall (but only for the sake of this blog).  Going in for the first time I was a bit nervous.  I'm not an experienced virtual farmer so I didn't want to be put on the spot.  Shitty part was, there are hardly any people in this "chat room" cause it's so new.  So I get 'linked(if thats what its called)' with this dude Alex.  I go in and ask this this Pokemon loving fool, "Horses or Cows?"  Kid says horses and then goes on to talking about Unicorns and shit.  No different than chat roulette, except I didn't get e-fucked by a creepy old dick. I'm not convinced this kid was into the whole talk about Farmville shit as much as he wanted to talk about how he's going pro in Pokemon and how they aren't a dead fad, but they're coming back. Sure, fine with me.  I just hope next time I hit this ChatVille shit up I don't start seeing horse dongs or cow testes...
ChatVille it up HERE.
Read full article HERE on Mashable.  

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